Parting Glances
Two headlines often rattle in my noggin when I sit to write a final film festival piece: the above and “To fest perchance to dream.” Like...

"Everybody" Isn't Just Any Play
Feeling kindly – or at least in no hurry – Death allows Everybody to seek a companion. An old hand at this mortality thing, Death's pret

The Things He Left
Call it the “treasure complex,” the misguided but rather darling notion that the sentimentalized objects many of us hold onto for years...

Review: Cause for "Celebration"
The two actors have never met. They have no clue what's next. And they won't be returning to "Celebration, Florida" the ne

Room 105
The single achievement of the two months Geri and I spent together at Apartment 503 was that my dear, stubborn mom did not end up in a nursi

Apartment 503
Our adventure began with the best of intentions — mine, I suppose. Because of my mother’s creeping dementia and medical hiccups, I’d...

Onto the Streets
There is intelligence at play — and at work — in “Remote Denver," the frisky collaboration between Off-Center and Rimini Protokoll....

Into the Woods
BOULDER — One of the Persephones’ fish net stockings was torn. Three actresses portray the goddess and this one's visage was by turns...

We now return to our regularly scheduled...
You may recall Christopher Walken’s increasingly unhinged monologue about the “war watch” in “Pulp Fiction.” If so, then you know a timepiec
We interrupt this blog...
"Bunk" overflows with evidence of our national penchant for mendacity. But for all the preponderance of evidence, it was a nearly